The Plan

We are aiming to raise awareness and obtain broad support for the funding by the Federal Government a Universal Youth Sports Injury Prevention Program

The plan is to create a compelling case for the implementation of  the Program: 
•    Articulating the facts relating to sports injuries, particularly ACL injuries and lower limb injuries through an evidence-based approach
•    Collate and compile relevant information provided by key stakeholders
•    Promoting a strategic implementation plan designed to address key barriers and facilitators in community sport with a focus on education
•    Identifying a reduction in future direct health costs arising from ACL injuries
•    Improving the quality of life for sports participants through the reduction of ACL injuries
•    Aligning the proposed Program with the Australian Sports Commission objectives of Sustainable sports .

This collaborative initiative will adopt best practices in governing the program delivery, adopting a leading edge robust technology platform to optimise the convenience and access to athlete, coaches & trainers.  This will also enable the ability to measure and monitor the performance of the Program.